Advanced formulation removes oils and grime from all surfaces.
High flashpoint makes it safer to use.
An efficient degreaser that cuts into oils, grease and Bitumen.
Safe to use on all metals.
Ready to use. Spray, brush or immerse.
Use as Received.
Manual Cleaning: Apply with a brush or spray. Allow 5 – 10 minutes for Greasolve to penetrate the grime. Rinse off with water spray pressure cleaner.
Immersion Cleaning: Greasolve is an ideal product for immersion cleaning. Submerse components in the solution for 20 – 30 minutes. Upon removing the parts from the tank rinse off with water spray pressure cleaner.
Premium products without a premium price, customer service that is second to none. ILD is proud to be the sole distributors of the industry-leading Sinopec product.